Knowing that God is the source of all things and all that we have, one of our greatest acts of worship is giving. Whether we are generous in our availability to others, in using our talents and abilities in serving the community, or in giving our financial resources, all are intended for extending the presence of His Kingdom in Dallas and to the world.
In addition to checks and cash given in the offering plate during worship services or mailed in during the week, you now have two ways to give online:
PCPC’s Website: Click the Give Now button above and follow the prompts. To view giving history and manage your account, you will need to login with your existing account (which you have given with or registered for an event with) or register a new account.
Text-To-Give: We have enabled a text-to-give option for mobile devices. To participate, text "GIVE (amount)" to 214-833-7724. For example, a text of “GIVE 100” would send a gift of $100 to our PCPC General Fund. First-time users may need to follow prompts to register for text-to-give. Note that your carrier’s message & data rates may apply.
Thank you for your gift!
Online Giving fully integrates with Ministry Platform, our church database, so your account and donation records will remain connected and secure. This transition takes us to a more widely used platform while saving money through better transaction rates. Online Giving adds the ability to use Google and Apple Pay, which many will appreciate. We will continue to offer text-to-give, the ability to schedule recurring gifts, and electronic check (ACH) options.
One of the benefits we are also excited about is our outsourced accounting (who has experience with Online Giving) and auditing firms have encouraged us to make this transition. The PCPC Finance Committee is committed to improving our systems to keep our standards high, and best serve the needs of our congregation. The Committee and our leadership staff have approved this transition.
Setup Recurring Gifts to Online Giving: Need to setup a new one? We have a webpage that walks you step-by-step through the process (
Please read the Session’s statement concerning online giving at PCPC and view PCPC's Principles of Stewardship.
Please note that the convenience of credit and debit card giving costs the church 2.15% (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover) and 2.65% (American Express) of the amount per transaction. Please consider increasing your contribution to include the additional charge incurred by the church.
You can also give through electronic funds transfer through the PCPC website. Logging in and providing your bank routing and account number information can send your funds to PCPC directly. This means of giving incurs the lowest fees (0.65%) other than cash gifts.
You may also give by donating stock gifts. When stock gifts are given directly to the church, there are tax advantages associated with giving appreciated stock. To make a stock gift, contact Cheli Conejo, Accounts Receivable Specialist, (, 214-224-2504) or Ardie Aldrich, Director of Finance, (, 214-224-2503) for further information.
Whether through offerings of animals and the first fruits of the land in Old Testament times, through currencies of all kinds throughout history, more recently by using checking accounts, or now by electronic means, our giving is a very tangible way of offering ourselves and our resources to the One who owns all things, is our provider in ways beyond what we often realize, and is worthy of our most sincere expression of worship. May the giving of our tithes and offerings regardless of its form be a continual overflow of our gratitude and worship.